Meet Our Expert Guides

At Gravestone Stories, we proudly introduce our expert Alexandria tour guides, David Heiby and Catherine Weinraub. They bring the city’s past to life through captivating tours. With extensive knowledge and passion for history, these experienced guides have dedicated their lives to researching and sharing Alexandria’s rich history. Through engaging storytelling, they lead visitors on unforgettable journeys to discover historic sites, cemeteries, churches, and more. They unveil the fascinating stories that shaped the city.

David Heiby: Cemetery, Church, Civil War, and Lincoln Assassination Tours

David Heiby, one of our expert Alexandria tour guides, leads tours through the city’s historic sites. He shares insights and stories that bring the past to life. As a Board Member of the Alexandria Historical Society and Lee-Fendall House Museum, David has a deep understanding of the city’s history. He also serves as the Superintendent of the Presbyterian Cemetery in the Wilkes Street Complex.

David Heiby leading a tour group through the historic Presbyterian Cemetery in Alexandria, Virginia.
David Heiby leading a tour in the Presbyterian Cemetery

David has a multi-generational connection to the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Alexandria’s historic Presbyterian congregation dating back to 1772. He draws on his knowledge of regional history to provide tours showcasing Alexandria’s heritage. His expertise includes the Wilkes Street Cemetery Complex, Antietam Battlefield, South Mountain Battlefields, and Harpers Ferry.

Furthermore, David shares insights on the route of Lincoln’s assassination conspirators. He is a Licensed Tour Guide in the District of Columbia, where portions of this tour take place, enhancing the authenticity and depth of the experience.

Join David on a tour to discover fascinating stories. Explore Alexandria’s cemeteries, churches, such as the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, and Civil War sites, where he reveals secrets and stories from the region’s history. His expertise and official credentials ensure a deeply informative and engaging experience.

Catherine Weinraub: Alexandrian Heritage and Firefighting History Tours

Catherine Weinraub, another one of our knowledgeable Alexandria tour guides, brings the city’s past to life through her storytelling. She has experience at the Office of Historic Alexandria, Mount Vernon, and Arlington House. Additionally, Catherine shares her expertise as the Historian for the Ivy Hill Cemetery Historical Preservation Society and Friendship Veterans Fire Engine Association.

Catherine Weinraub, an expert Alexandria tour guide, posing on a historic firetruck in Alexandria, Virginia.
Catherine Weinraub on an Alexandria Virginia Firetruck

Her tours showcase her knowledge of Alexandria’s history. She highlights the impact of 19th-century fires that shaped the city’s firefighting legacy. As the Friendship Fire Company’s historian, Catherine offers an insider’s perspective. Moreover, she shares stories of the volunteers who risked everything to protect their community.

Join one of Catherine’s engaging tours to discover untold stories. Furthermore, explore Alexandria’s historic Ivy Hill Cemetery and learn about the brave firefighters who shaped the city’s history.

Book Your Tour Today

Join our expert Alexandria tour guides, David Heiby and Catherine Weinraub, on a captivating journey to explore the city’s rich history. Book your tour today and let these knowledgeable guides lead you on an unforgettable experience discovering Alexandria’s historic sites, cemeteries, churches, and more.

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