The Methodist Protestant Cemetery

Caroline Matilde Johnson: A Confederate Supporter’s Unsung Legacy

In the annals of American Civil War history, countless stories of bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to one’s cause remain untold. Among these is the remarkable tale of Caroline Matilde […]

The Presbyterian Cemetery

Discover the Remarkable Craftsmanship of Robert F. Prettyman’s Hose-Reel Carriage at Friendship Firehouse Museum

Robert F. Prettyman, a revered carriage maker, rests peacefully within Alexandria’s Presbyterian Cemetery. His legacy endures through the iconic hose-reel carriage crafted for the Friendship Fire Company, where he held […]

Christ Church Cemetery

Dr. James Carson, a War of 1812 Veteran recently honored for his service!

Dr. James Carson, buried in Christ Church Cemetery (1773 – September 9, 1855), was a War of 1812 Veteran recently honored for his service by National Society United States Daughters […]

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