Christ Church Cemetery

Samuel Cooper: From Respected Army Officer to Confederate General

Samuel Cooper Confederate General: A Complex Legacy Few figures in American military history embody the complexities of loyalty and leadership like Samuel Cooper, a Confederate General whose legacy reflects the […]

The Presbyterian Cemetery

Robert W. Bell: a Tale of Resilience, Community Engagement, and Entrepreneurship in 19th Century Alexandria

Introduction The story of Robert W. Bell intertwines the threads of community involvement and entrepreneurial spirit in the 19th century. Born in 1809, Bell’s journey took him from the Isle […]

Douglas Cemetery

Preserving History and Heritage: the Story of Douglass Memorial Cemetery and Fields Cook’s Enduring Legacy

Preserving Legacy Amidst Abandonment: The Tale of Douglass Memorial Cemetery Established in 1895, Douglass Memorial Cemetery stands as a testament to the history and struggles of African Americans in the […]

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